Centering Prayer Group

Tuesdays • 8:00 to 9:00 am •  On Zoom

This program is focused on centering prayer. The format includes readings, silence, and contemplative dialogue.  The Contemplative Prayer group meets year round with the readings coinciding with the church calendar. If you have questions or would like to join us, please contact Joella Borchelt at

Daughters of the King

2nd and 4th Mondays • 4:00p, pm • Church Sanctuary

Daughters of the King is a lay religious order dedicated to prayer, service and evangelism for the spread of God's Kingdom. The Mary-Martha Chapter at Transfiguration meets every 2nd and 4th Mondays.

We begin with a coming-together at 4:00 pm in the Church Sanctuary to share our prayer needs.  We pray for our personal needs, those of our families and friends, for the less fortunate, for our church, for the world, and for peace.

The Daughters of the King work with the clergy by offering prayers and assisting with pastoral care. We would love to have new people join us any time! For info, please contact Shelley Black at . For more information about the national Order of the Daughters of the King,  visit