Campus Buildings
All of these buildings are in the Evergreen Conference Historic District and listed on the National Register of Historical Places. Twelve of the 20 buildings in this district are on the campus of the Church of the Transfiguration, which strives to preserve the integrity of this remarkably intact complex of historic buildings.
Guest House and Bancroft House
Built in 1892 by Dr. Frederick J. Bancroft of Denver, as his summer home with a separate guest house. Around 1923, these buildings were joined and deeded to the Evergreen Music Conference and became known as the “lower campus”. The Bancroft House became housing for married instructors of the Evergreen Music Conrrence. The barn became “Long House”, a dormiitory for male participants. It contained 25 double decker beds. Bancroft House is now the headquarters for the Evergreen Audubon Society.
Long House
This building is now called the Bancroft Barn. It was built to house the Bancroft horses and store the hay gathered from the meadow to the east. It was converted in 1924 into a dormitory for the Evergreen Conference. This building was most likely here when Dr. Bancroft bought the property. It housed caretakers until 1960.
Young/Whitney Cottage
Two circa 1870 cabins were connected in 1924 to make a summer cottage for relatives of Dr. Josepha Douglas and used later to house Conference personnel.
Stone Library and Julia's Cabin
These were built in 1921 for Miss Julia Douglas, who became the town's first librarian. She stocked the shelves with surplus books sent from libraries in the East. This building was the town library until 1971. Miss Julia lived in the little cabin adjoining the library. These two structures, still standing today, have been converted to private residences.
Carriage House
This was built in 1910 and is now the home of JP Total Farmers Market.
Sister's Cabin
This cabin was built in the 1860's, possibly as a home for store owner Andrew Amos. It was then purchased with St. Raphael’s by Dr. Jo Williams Douglas in the early 1900’s. It was used by the Community of St. Mary to house guests and people who were on retreat. It was deeded along with St. Raphael’s to the Church of the Transfiguration in 1987.
St. Raphael's Retreat House
The south section was built in the early 1860's as a tavern. Later, the center section was added and the building became the Babcock Hotel. The Sisters of St. Mary began using it in 1900 as their summer quarters. In 1929, Jock Spence added the north end and the following year the Sister's began their retreat ministry in Evergreen. The retreat center continued as an outreach ministry of the Church of the Transfiguration for many years. It is now the used as a private residence.
Evergreen Conference
These buildings across the road were used by Evergreen Conference. Canon Douglas was instrumental in incorporating the summer music school which became nationally famous. By 1989, the Evergreen Conference ended and the buildings were sold. They date from 1920, 1924, and 1926.
The Hiwan Homestead Museum was the former Camp Neosho (1893-1938), built by Dr. Josepha Williams Douglas and her mother, Mary Neosho Williams. Located 1/2 mile north on Meadow Drive, it is an important link in the history of Evergreen.